Story Cube Challenge- March 4
The story of Linda continues…
Linda considers herself a great garden warrior. She plans her garden, buy seeds from all over, where some
probably come to the US by boat. She
and her husband combat pesky critters
with organic methods and not with a club.
If she had a wishing well where she
could throw a few coins and make wishes, she would wish for the ogre who lives next door to move their
corn field which is parallel to her property. To hide the cornfield, she planted
a row of forsynthia that grew to have the shape of harps, which turned to be a nice privacy screen. The nice thing
about gardening is the flowers and seeds that are produced. This helps feeds
all the birds that come to visit to find food and housing in the various
birdhouses on her property. Birds belong
outside to fly free, not cooped up in a birdcage!
At the end of a sunny day, she likes to sit on her patio with her husband, look
at their beautiful property and have a cold
frosty mug of beer.
I love the image of the forsynthia in the shape of a harp. The gardening cycle is awesome. seeds to flowers to bird food everything to be enjoyed by yourselves and your feathered friends. You paint a beautiful picture. In love and light Cheryle