Story Cube- February 18
The story continues….
Linda is an avid gardener.
In fact, she is considered a Master Gardener because she took a MG
training course. She used to start her
own seeds. Although she still does
this, she finds that the seeds sown into the ground grow better with natural
light from the sun and the rain. As an avid gardener, she has to shield her young plants from pests and
diseases, and she is the queen of
doing this organically. If there is a diseased plant she needs to chop it down and remove it from the
garden so as not to infect other plants. She also uses organic concoctions such as beaten eggs to
spray on plants to keep the deer away. Since she doesn’t live in a mountainous area, her garden thrives.
When the flowers bloom and the tomatoes are ripe, she takes out her camera and takes pictures of them to
show off her triumphs in the garden.
Clever use of the icons. I am glad you continued the story so I could experience Linda's triumph of growing something from seed to fruition. In love and light Cheryle