20 Days of Chill- January 19

Friday, January 19: Why ask why?

Anyone with kids can relate to “why ask why”?

Why are you going there? Why are you doing that? Why did you do that? Why, why, why…
As a parent, I am always asking questions; I have always been like this, before kids too.  I always here a retort from either my husband or son, “why do you need to know?”  Jeez…can’t a person ask a question or 20?  Well at my age ~ over 40 and under 100 ~ I will continue to ask why.  Why helps us learn, (see an earlier blog post). Why gives us meaning and closure to something.

We know WHO is on first, and What is on second, and I DON’T KNOW is on third, but why do we need to know this and why isn’t there a WHY, unless WHY is in the outfield.

Keep asking why…well, just because!


  1. Why ask why? Why not? Love the who is on first reference, and I'm frequently in the outfield. ;)


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