20 Days of CHill- January 12

January 12- High, low, in, and out

When looking for a geocache, there are very few times that myself or my husband will give up.  If we do have a DNF, it either was getting dark, or we were too tired to look further. We look everywhere for a geocache, in, out, high and low.  While we only have found 1594 geocaches, we have learned that the cache can be hanging, underneath, inside, attached, camo’d, or any other means for it to be hidden.  I simply am surprised by the holes I have stuck my hand into, to retrieve a cache. My husband or I have squeezed through crevices better suited for a leaner person; we have climbed rock walls, and trees to retrieve a cache.  Quite honestly, the most challenging caches are the best to find.


  1. I think I'd have to draw the line at rock climbing. :) Otherwise it sounds like a healthy hobby.

  2. Great idea to link this subject to geocaching. We were in Kamloops on Thanksgiving 2017, and we found this one https://www.geocaching.com/geocache/GC4Q4AC_genetically-modified-turkey?guid=fe4a39d2-351c-4e84-8204-0cbbba28425f after literally looking up, down, in and out ;-)


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